Saturday, April 14, 2012

Blog Review- Jen's Love Lessons

 by Teresa

This past week, I spent several hours searching and sorting through blogs and websites on dating and relationships. After a couple of hours on Google, I realized that finding a decent blog on dating and relationships was going to be significantly more difficult than I realized.  However, I am happy to report that perseverance paid off and I finally found one that I liked! The blog is  The author has a PhD. and is an Assistant Professor at James Madison University in the School of Communication Studies.  Unlike many of the other blogs that I searched through, Jen’s posts are researched based and very applicable to people in relationships.

 In her about Jen section she states, “I truly believe that good social scientific research should not only improve the lives of others, but should also be made available to them.”  Her belief in getting good social scientific research out to the public has encouraged her to write this blog and a book.  Her book is advertised on the blog but it doesn’t overtake the blog, like so many others that I reviewed.  Jen’s Love Lessons does have advertisements that can be distracting, but if you scroll down until you pass them you will find: Love Lesson topics, Love Lesson series, and Missed Love Lessons.  Overall this blog is very well organized and user friendly. 

 I have really enjoyed searching through her blog. She has really insightful information, as well as things to make you laugh.  One of her recent posts, just for the love of it: a few interesting relationship articles, has a link to an article titled, “How do you decide who to marry (written by kids).”  The article was so adorably hilarious. One of her researched based posts that I enjoyed was about actually being supportive. Not only did she post about a common life experience and a natural response to the scenario, she supplied research based steps on how to supply person-centered support. She also included what to avoid when you are trying to be supportive. At the end of her post she referenced the articles she cited, and offered additional information about providing support with book and article recommendations. All in all, I think Jen’s Love Lessons are very relevant for anyone who is in a relationship. Her various posts and tips on how to strengthen relationships are very applicable and fun to read- I encourage you all to check it out!


  1. This sounded like a great blog and you really inspired me to check the blog out for myself. I am happy to report that I thought the blog was grea as well and I'm so glad you recommended it. I'm in a relationship right now and any advice on marriage is always great! Thanks for finding some good information that I can refer to!

  2. I checked out the blog and it was very interesting. THank you for your insight and opinions and it is definetely a blog that I would recommend to other people to check out. THanks.

  3. The article on how to decide who to marry is too cute! I really enjoyed your post! Thanks for pointing out such a fun blog for me to refer to.

