Saturday, March 24, 2012

Premarital Sex

By Teresa

Reader question: “What does research say regarding premarital sex?  Does it help or hinder the marriage?”


We all have our personal beliefs about premarital sex- whether you view it as: acceptable, should be avoided, or in specific situations may be considered appropriate.  Common influences behind such beliefs include: social, religious, and personal values.  A lot of research pertaining to premarital sex is coupled with adolescence, and its negative effects which include: unwanted pregnancy, STI’s, and STD’s.  I was surprised to find that there is little specific research about the effects of premarital sex on marriages in adulthood, but I will share what little pieces of information I have found from multiple sources.

Research suggests that religiosity has quite the influence over premarital sexual beliefs and practices.  According to the authors of Religiosity and Premarital Sex in Adulthood, concerning never-married adults, “religiosity has a consistent, fairly strong, and statistically significant deterrent effect on the number of sexual partners” (Barkan 2006).  This study also found that the “inverse association between religiosity and number of sexual partners is invariant by gender.”  This means that the more religious you are, the fewer sexual partners you will likely have, and that this is true for both males and females.

In regard to the actual marital relationship, research found that, “premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption.  However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution” (Teachman 2003).

If you find yourself wondering if premarital sex has an effect on the sex life after you are married, I found research that states , “The percentages of men and women who reported being very satisfied with their current sexual relationship did not differ according to timing of first sexual intercourse” (Hirsch, Sandfort, Orr, and Santelli 2008).  So, according to this research, your sexual satisfaction later in your marriage is not dependent on whether or not you engaged in premarital sex.

I could not find any research suggesting that premarital sex enhances the marital relationship.  Research I found did not suggest that premarital intercourse had a serious detrimental effect on marriage, but I did find that it does increase the risk of marriage dissolution if you had more than one partner. The decision to engage in consensual premarital sex is a personal one.  Let your beliefs and values guide your decision.  Communication between you and your partner about premarital sex and your beliefs is essential!   My advice is to not let the decision to engage in premarital sex be a rash one because you don’t want to regret it later.  In this instance, there is always tomorrow.


Barkan, Steven E. (2006). Religiosity and Premarital Sex in Adulthood. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol 45(3), Sep, 2006. pp. 407-417.

Teachman, Jay (2003). Premarital Sex, Premarital Cohabitation, and the Risk of Subsequent Marital Dissolution Among Women. Journal of Marriage & Family; May2003, Vol. 65 Issue 2, p444-455

Hirsch, J. S., Orr, M., Sandfort, T. M., and Santelli, J., (2008). Long-Term Health Correlates of Timing of Sexual Debut: Results From a National US Study. American Journal of Public Health; Jan2008, Vol. 98 Issue 1, p155-161


  1. This is very interesting. I guess the lack of research really does just emphasize that it is a personal decision. I would love to see more research on this though to get a more concise understanding of all the factors involved. I'll have to keep an eye out if any more research is being done. thanks for posting!

  2. I can tell getting the answer to this question was hard. I like how you stated what you did find, it was very interesting. You can apply a lot of it to differeing situations and you know wht does effect. Thank you.

  3. This seems like it was a very hard question to answer because there is not a lot of information out there. I think that you did a great job answering it. I do think that it is a personal decision that people make by themselves or through their religion.

  4. Thanks for your post. It sounds like you spent a lot of time trying to find relevant research.
    I appreciate you giving the facts on as much research you could locate and emphasizing the point that it is a deeply personal decision.
    I am not surprised to hear the research that shows the more religious you are the fewer sexual partners you will have. Although, it wasn't surprising, it was still interesting!

  5. I was surprised to hear that not a lot of research has been done on this topic. Thank you for gathering the research that is out there and posting it. I do think that whether or not to engage in premarital sex is a personal choice. I have heard before that the more religious you are the fewer sexual partners you'll have but I wonder if this varies in different religions?

